Project Light Up Umuihi: How A Community Came Together To Solve Its Electricity Problem

Umuhi has been struggling under the weight of a lack of electricity, leaving the community vulnerable to criminal activities.

Dec 23, 2023 - 08:07
Mar 22, 2024 - 14:55
 1  320
Project Light Up Umuihi: How A Community Came Together To Solve Its Electricity Problem
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One of the critical drivers of development is energy. We use it in the form of electricity to light up homes, cook, and in hospitals for the refrigeration of drugs, among others.
The availability of energy for industries also ensures that such industries operate at reduced costs, which ultimately makes schools and services a bit more affordable to those who need them.
Electricity dispels acts of criminality which thrive on the cover of darkness by increasing visibility while enhancing environmental aesthetics.
 It is therefore, in a bid to ameliorate the adverse impact of the lack of electricity that individuals and communities have taken it upon themselves to provide electricity for their homes and communities.
Please listen to the documentary.